Flavio Alessio Geisshuesler
Advisors: David Germano and Kurtis Schaeffer
Year Entered Program: 2010
Currently Pursuing: MA – PhD
Current Status: Coursework
Educational Background: Université de Lausanne
Research Interests
Flavio Alessio Geisshuesler is a historian of religion with a dual specialization in Buddhist Studies and in Theories and Methods. His dissertation at the University of Virginia is entitled History, Meditation, and Brain: The Great Perfection Tradition of Tibet Between Trauma and Recovery and offers a critical study of the famous Buddhist tradition known as the Great Perfection (Dzokchen; rdzogs chen). He is currently completing a second PhD at the University of Bern, in which he offers a systematic study of theories and methods in Religious Studies. He is the recipient of a year-long Fulbright-Hays Fellowship, an eighteen-month Doc.Mobility Fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation, and a Dr. Josephine de Karman Dissertation Completion Grant.