
Yangmotso was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Virginia for 2009-2010 as well as a rising young scholar of classical Tibetan studies in China. She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in the department of Tibetology at Minzu University of China (MUC) in Beijing. She is focusing her dissertation on the ancient Tibetan kings of the Imperial Period.

She wrote a master’s thesis, titled Tibetan Linguistics on Language Varieties of the Modern Tibetan in Sociolinguistics Vision — Particular Analysis of the Nomadic and Agricultural Tibetan Language in Tsho lho. She has also published papers such as “A Preliminary Discussion about the Syntactic Feature of Classical Tibetan,” “New Thinking on the Syntactic Feature of Classical Tibetan,” and “Preliminary Discussion on Master Paten Chosjrags and Further Development of His Logical Thought in Tibet.” She has also served as assistant editor of The Selection of Tibetan Graduate Students’ Theses for 2007.

Yangmotso has also received many scholarships and awards at her home university, including “The Excellent Student of Beijing 2001-2002,” “The Outstanding Student of Baogang Education Prize 2004” (a national award), “The Excellent Graduate Student of Minzu University of China 2005” and “The Excellent Graduate Student of Trace Foundation 2006.”