Latest Past Events
Lecture by John Ardussi
Rouss Hall University of Virginia, CharlottesvilleSecular and Political Mural Art from Himalayan Lands: Sikkim, Nepal, and Bhutan Students of Himalayan cultures will be familiar with the many forms of Buddhist and Hindu art, whose primary focus is the portrayal of saints, deities and meditative objects such as the mandala. In recent decades, influenced by modernity and globalizing culture, there have arisen […]
Traditional Buddhist Knowledge & Tibetan Secular Education in China: A Conversation with a Leading Tibetan Educator, Ven. Dong Yonden Gyatso
Monroe Hall 116This conversation between Ven. Dong Yonden Gyatso and Professor David Germano will explore how Dong YondenGyatso adopts Buddhist teachings and Tibetan traditional knowledge for the secular schooling of younger generations of Tibetans. Their discussion will focus on the Tibetan experience of creating culturally relevant education that can cultivate confidence and competencies among rural minority school […]
Contemporary Artist Gonkar Gyatso–Buddha’s Picnic: Shrines in Contemporary Tibet
Nau Hall 101 1540 Jefferson Park Avenue, CharlottesvilleGonkar Gyatso will share insight on his installation “Buddha’s Picnic,” which is currently on view at Washington andLee’s Staniar Gallery. In his words, the work is “a material and experiential journey into the modern practice of constructing temporary shrines, reflecting the infusion of pop and material culture from China and the West into countryside shrines throughout […]