Staff That Oversee UVa’s Tibetan Library Collections

Tibetan and South Asian Collection Librarians

The University of Virginia Library is one of the few institutions with a full-time librarian dedicated to the Tibetan collection. Nawang Thokmey has worked as the Tibetan collection specialist at the Library since 1996. It is through the continued efforts of Nawang as well as South Asia Collections leader, Philip McEldowney, that the Tibetan collection continues to grow.

Digital Library Staff

The Tibetan and Himalayan Library is directed by David Germano and managed by Steve Weinberger. Its technologies are overseen by Nathaniel Grove and Andres Montano; Mark Ferrara has overseen its front-end template development & design. Technical support, provided by the UVa Library Scholar’s Lab, is led by Bess Sadler, Matt Mitchell, and Adam Soroka, and overseen by Bethany Nowviskie. The Libary’s Digital Media Lab also has been a crucial support with Will Rourk overseeing 3-D and interactive multimedia maps, and Judy Thomas and Jama Coartney providing other forms of support. The Institute of Advanced Technology in the Humanities provides technical support also, especially from Worthy Martin, Daniel Pitti, and Robbie Bingler. We also have a number of technologists, such as Pema Geyleg of Bhutan and Vibhu Mishra of Nepal, working on diverse projects.

The bulk of data input and processing at UVa is done by graduate students, recently graduated masters students or undergraduates, and others involved one way or another with graduate education.