Funding for Graduate Students at UVa

Most graduate students at UVa are funded by teaching assistantships and fellowships awarded at the departmental level:

Teaching Assistantships

Teaching Assistantships are available to a considerable number of graduate students and offer not only financial assistance but invaluable experience in working directly with students, thereby providing important training and strengthening their candidacy for future employment opportunities. Student teaching assistants are granted a stipend for assisting the faculty in the tasks of undergraduate instruction. Out-of-state students who serve as teaching assistants qualify for reduced tuition rates.


Fellowships in varying amounts are offered to a limited number of students, based primarily on academic merit. Departments offers several types of fellowships: Presidential Fellowships are awarded in a University-wide competition to entering students of exceptionally high achievement and promise; University Jefferson Scholars Fellowships are nominated by departments and selected based on a national competition conducted in Charlottesville each February; DuPont Fellowships are awarded to both entering and enrolled students; and Governor’s Fellowships are awarded to Virginia students. Presidential Fellowships are renewable for three years, while DuPont and Governor’s Fellowships are awarded on an annual basis.

Please refer to departmental websites for further information regarding these fellowships; other internal sources of funding such as graderships, research assistantships, and dissertation year fellowships; and links to external sources of funding.


Work/Study Programs, Loan Programs and other employment opportunities are administered through the University’s Office of Financial Aid to Students. See this link for more information on federally-subsidized work study at UVa. Please be aware that students should not wait to hear from their respective department regarding fellowship offers before contacting the University’s Financial Aid office: // phone (434) 982-6000.

In-state Status. As a public, state-assisted institution, UVa offers graduate programs of high caliber whose basic costs (tuition and fees) are lower than those of private institutions with programs of comparable scope and quality. In addition, this means that in-state students incur lower fees and are easier for departments to fund. For further information regarding qualifications for in-state status, please consult the Virginia Status of University Students Committee:

Travel Grants. Opportunities for assistance with research-related travel include: the Ellen Bayard Weedon East Asia Travel Grant for Language Study and the Robert J. Huskey Travel fellowship.

University-wide Opportunities

The Zora Neale Hurston Award is awarded for the best graduate essay focused on women or gender written during each academic year. Students may submit their own work or a faculty member may submit outstanding papers. A student need not be a Studies in Women and Gender major or minor to be eligible. Please be sure to include a title page with your name, course number, and semester. On a separate page, please provide the following information: Name, last 4 digits of your ID Number, Local & Permanent Address, Phone Number, and Email Address. There is a minimum page requirement of 20 double-spaced pages. Please submit the paper electronically to See the link above for full award guidelines.

EXPIRED: The deadline for submission Friday, April 27, 2018 has passed.